Disclaimer: this is not an authoritative guide; it is just my understanding of this topic.

The following code is built on:

$ uname -a
FreeBSD hostname 14.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE #0 releng/14.0-n265380-f9716eee8ab4: Fri Nov 10 05:57:23 UTC 2023     root@releng1.nyi.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/GENERIC amd64

The FreeBSD Architecture Handbook shows an example module which creates a character device in the /dev directory, corresponding to a virtual device which performs some basic operations: the root user can write a string to the device, and the same string can be read back by reading from the device.

A very similar procedure (even if more outdated) is presented in Chapter 1 of FreeBSD device drivers, A guide for the intrepid by Joseph Kong, No Starch Press, 2012. To make the example simpler, it explicitly avoids the usage of uiomove to copy data from user space to kernel space, but it also states that uiomove is the proper way to perform such an operation. Here, uiomove is used (for the opposite case: to copy data from kernel space to user space), as in the Architecture Handbook example.

As an exercise, define a kernel module which creates a character device to simulate a die roll. The device can not be written, but only read: after a single read operation, it returns only a single byte, representing the numerical value obtained by a die roll. Each different read will provide the result of a different die roll. The number of faces of the die is stored in the variable d_size. For the sake of simplicity the character device returns just a single byte, so d_size can not exceed the value 9.

Use a suitable random number generator mechanism available inside the kernel to obtain such a value. The kernel programming interface is documented in Section 9 of the manpages. To look for a specific topic in a specific section, a couple of solutions can be chosen:

  1. Trivially,

     $ cd /usr/share/man/man9
     $ ls -l | grep -i random
     -r--r--r--    7 root wheel  2227 Nov 10 09:32 arc4random.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    7 root wheel  2227 Nov 10 09:32 is_random_seeded.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    7 root wheel  2227 Nov 10 09:32 random.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    4 root wheel  1598 Nov 10 09:32 random_harvest.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    4 root wheel  1598 Nov 10 09:32 random_harvest_direct.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    4 root wheel  1598 Nov 10 09:32 random_harvest_fast.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    4 root wheel  1598 Nov 10 09:32 random_harvest_queue.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    7 root wheel  2227 Nov 10 09:32 read_random.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    7 root wheel  2227 Nov 10 09:32 read_random_uio.9.gz
     -r--r--r--    7 root wheel  2227 Nov 10 09:32 srandom.9.gz
  2. Using apropos(1):

     $ apropos -s 9 random
     prng, prng32, prng32_bounded, prng64, prng64_bounded(9) - Kernel pseudo-random number generators
     random, arc4rand, arc4random, is_random_seeded, read_random, read_random_uio, srandom, arc4random_buf(9) - supply pseudo-random numbers
     random_harvest, random_harvest_direct, random_harvest_fast, random_harvest_queue(9) - gather entropy from the kernel for the entropy device

The manpage random(9) suggests the arc4random() function, which returns very good quality random numbers, suited for security-related purposes`.

First version

The module is created with the same structure suggested in the Architecture Handbook. First of all, some #includes are necessary: their purpose is shown in the code comments.

#include <sys/systm.h>          /* uprintf */
#include <sys/param.h>          /* defines used in kernel.h */
#include <sys/module.h>         /* necessary to create the kernel module itself */
#include <sys/kernel.h>         /* types used in module initialization */
#include <sys/conf.h>           /* cdevsw struct */
#include <sys/uio.h>            /* uio struct */
#include <sys/malloc.h>		/* malloc() will be used within this module */
#include <sys/libkern.h>        /* arc4random(). See random(9) */

There is not a single way to proceed. While maybe not strictly necessary, sticking to the Architecture Handbook example let’s create anyway a buffer:

#define BUFFERSIZE 2


/* Function prototypes */
static d_open_t      rolld_open;
static d_close_t     rolld_close;
static d_read_t      rolld_read;

/* Character device entry points */
static struct cdevsw rolld_cdevsw = {
        .d_version = D_VERSION,
        .d_open = rolld_open,
        .d_close = rolld_close,
        .d_read = rolld_read,
        .d_name = "rolld",

Note that there is no rolld_write function, because it is not needed here, as previously mentioned.

struct s_roll {
        char msg[BUFFERSIZE + 1];
        int len;

/* vars */
static struct cdev *rolld_dev;
// it must be <= 9. See rolld_read
static uint32_t d_size = 6;
static struct s_roll *rolldmsg;

The buffer needs a malloc() operation: part of memory will be devoted to it, as vmstat -m can show while the module is used, providing as description the second argument of MALLOC_DEFINE.

MALLOC_DEFINE(M_ROLLDBUF, "rolldbuffer", "minimal buffer for rolld module");

Then, define the operations to be performed when the module is loaded into the kernel, to create the device:

static int
rolld_loader(struct module *m __unused, int what, void *arg __unused)
        int error = 0;

        switch (what) {
        case MOD_LOAD:
                error = make_dev_p(MAKEDEV_CHECKNAME | MAKEDEV_WAITOK,
                    0444,               /* write is not implemented, so no need to write to this device */
                if (error != 0)

                rolldmsg = malloc(sizeof(*rolldmsg), M_ROLLDBUF, M_WAITOK |

rolldmsg has been defined as static struct s_roll *rolldmsg, so it is a pointer to a struct s_roll: after having allocated a region of memory of the size of such a struct, malloc returns a pointer to that region, which is then stored in rolldmsg. The region will be filled during the module operation (in particular, here, within the rolld_read function).

Note that the device /dev/rolld will have permissions r--r--r--, being read-only.

Functions rolld_open and rolld_close are left, but without printing anything to the user: this way, they are probably useless.

The function rolld_read is the core of the module:

static int
rolld_read(struct cdev *dev __unused, struct uio *uio, int ioflag __unused)
        size_t amt;
        rolldmsg->len = 2;
        char random_item;
        int error;

As established by rolldmsg->len = 2, the buffer here will just have two characters: the digit representing the result of the die roll and a newline character, to make the ouput more readable.

        random_item = (char) arc4random();

arc4random() returns a uint32_t value. It must be represented by a character here: first of all, cast it to an int-like type. Then:

        rolldmsg->msg[0] = 49 + (random_item % d_size);

Fill the first element of the buffer with the ASCII character corresponding to the chosen number. With d_size = 6, random_item may be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: so, start from ASCII decimal value 49, corresponding to 1. When random_item is 0, 1 is stored in msg[0].

Now, fill the second element of the buffer with a newline and terminate the buffer string with a NULL character:

        rolldmsg->msg[1] = '\n';
        rolldmsg->msg[rolldmsg->len] = 0;

The contents of the buffer must be transferred to the user through uiomove. First, define amt as:

       amt = MIN(uio->uio_resid, uio->uio_offset >= rolldmsg->len + 1 ? 0 :
            rolldmsg->len + 1 - uio->uio_offset);

This check is essential. Then,

        if ((error = uiomove(rolldmsg->msg, amt, uio)) != 0)
                uprintf("uiomove failed!\n");

        return (error);

actually prints the digit resulting from the die roll to the user.

If instead amt is replaced with a fixed value, cat /dev/rolld continuously prints the buffer contents as if the die was rolled endless times: uiomove(rolldmsg->msg, 1, uio) prints endless numbers between 1 and 6; uiomove(rolldmsg->msg, 2, uio) does the same, but each number is in a newline (because newline is the second element of the buffer msg). Also, for some reason tail -c 1 /dev/rolld produces no output, as well as tail -c 1 /dev/random.


DEV_MODULE(rolld, rolld_loader, NULL);

To build the module, the same Makefile structure specified in the Architecture Handbook can be used:


.include <bsd.kmod.mk>

rolld.c is the name of the kernel module sourcefile. Before running make, be sure that /usr/src (or any equivalent directory) is populated by the kernel sourcecode, so that the #include files will be available.

$ make
Warning: Object directory not changed from original /path/to/this/example
cc  -O2 -pipe  -fno-strict-aliasing -Werror -D_KERNEL -DKLD_MODULE -nostdinc   -include /path/to/this/example/opt_global.h -I. -I/usr/src/sys -I/usr/src/sys/contrib/ck/include -fno-common  -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -fdebug-prefix-map=./machine=/usr/src/sys/amd64/include -fdebug-prefix-map=./x86=/usr/src/sys/x86/include -fdebug-prefix-map=./i386=/usr/src/sys/i386/include     -MD  -MF.depend.rolld.o -MTrolld.o -mcmodel=kernel -mno-red-zone -mno-mmx -mno-sse -msoft-float  -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -ffreestanding -fwrapv -fstack-protector -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wundef -Wno-pointer-sign -D__printf__=__freebsd_kprintf__ -Wmissing-include-dirs -fdiagnostics-show-option -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-error=tautological-compare -Wno-error=empty-body -Wno-error=parentheses-equality -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=pointer-sign -Wno-error=shift-negative-value -Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-format-zero-length   -mno-aes -mno-avx  -std=gnu99 -c rolld.c -o rolld.o
ld -m elf_x86_64_fbsd -warn-common --build-id=sha1 -T /usr/src/sys/conf/ldscript.kmod.amd64 -r  -o rolld.ko rolld.o 
:> export_syms
awk -f /usr/src/sys/conf/kmod_syms.awk rolld.ko  export_syms | xargs -J% objcopy % rolld.ko
objcopy --strip-debug rolld.ko

Load the module from a root shell specifying its (relative or absolute) path:

# kldload -v ./rolld.ko
Loaded /path/to/this/example/rolld.ko, id=5

The module can now be shown by kldstat(8):

# kldstat 
Id Refs Address                Size Name
 1   18 0xffffffff80200000  1d34598 kernel
 2    1 0xffffffff82800000   3e5cc8 zfs.ko
 3    1 0xffffffff82620000     3390 acpi_wmi.ko
 4    1 0xffffffff82624000     2a68 mac_ntpd.ko
 5    1 0xffffffff82627000     2218 rolld.ko

as well as the memory allocated for its internal buffer, labelled rolldbuffer as specified in MALLOC_DEFINE:

# vmstat -m                                                         
         Type InUse MemUse Requests  Size(s)                                                                                                                              
  rolldbuffer     1     1K        1  16

The device has been created and it is available to be used:

$ cd /dev
$ ls -l rolld 
cr--r--r--  1 root wheel 0x87 Apr  6 23:59 rolld
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 

The full code for this module rolld.c and its Makefile can be found here.

Second version

In the above section, given the Architecture Handbook example code, the most unoriginal implementation for such a task has been presented.

A whole buffer msg, referenced by a related struct s_roll, is not even necessary in this case, when only a single 1 byte value must be provided to the user each time the file /dev/rolld is read.

Consider this simpler code now: it is simpler in the sense that it does not create a buffer, it does not have struct s_roll and it does not need to use malloc(). Messages in rolld_open, rolld_close and rolld_read are instead produced through uprintf to better distinguish what code is being executed, as suggested here. Moreover, there is no translation between the raw random_out value and an ASCII printable digit.

This will allow to get more insight into the operations performed by the code.

The rolld_read function now is:

static int
rolld_read(struct cdev *dev __unused, struct uio *uio, int ioflag __unused)
        uprintf("uio_offset: %ld\n", uio->uio_offset);
        uprintf("uio_resid: %ld\n", uio->uio_resid);
        uint8_t random_out;

        random_out = arc4random() % d_size;

        if (uio->uio_offset > 0) {
                uprintf("I'm zero!\n");
                return 0;
        uprintf("Returned value is: %d\n", (uiomove(&random_out, 1, uio)));
        return 0;

The values provided by random_out may be integers between 0 and 5, which correspond to the following ASCII characters:

Code Character
0 NUL ^@ or \0
1 SOF ^A
2 STX ^B
3 ETX ^C
4 EOT ^D
5 ENQ ^E

Being them non-printable, it is better to use cat(1) with -v option, to show them without the need of other tools like hexdump. When cat -v is called on /dev/rolld, as suggested in this post, this output is produced:

$ cat -v /dev/rolld 
Opened device "rolld" successfully.
uio_offset: 0
uio_resid: 4096
Returned value is: 0
uio_offset: 1
uio_resid: 4096
I'm zero!
Closing device "rolld".

In this case, random_out had value 3 and this is shown at the end of all the operations, as ^C. Note that the /dev/rolld driver opens the file just one time at the beginning of the execution of cat(1) and it closes the file one time, only when cat(1) ends its execution.

When cat(1) reads a file, it calls read(2) (or an equivalent syscall) repeatedly. In the case of /dev/rolld, then read(2) causes the execution of the function inside the driver which performs the read operation inside the device: rolld_read.

cat(1) calls read(2)regardless of what kind of data is read from the file, as soon as some data is read: in fact, even special characters like ^D (EOT) are received, and printed here as they are, without preventing cat(1) from calling read(2) again, subsequently.

As specified in this post, EOF (End Of File) is not a character: it is the absence of a character, and it is a condition rather than a data. It is created by the shell, for example, when ^D is pressed, or by the device driver, when no more data is available. EOF at the low level is a 0 return value from read(): read(2) is called, it is successful because it returns 0, but it prints no data. This is the EOF condition: only when it is met, the caller cat(1) will stop calling read(2) again and it ends its execution, now knowing that the whole file has been consumed.

In order to interface the internal operation of the driver with the external requests from the userland, uio provides a struct uio, which is passed to rolld_read as second argument. One element of this struct is uio_offset: it is just information available within the kernel module, in this case within the character device. It is arbitrary how to use it, but here the following constraint will be assumed: it is not desirable that cat(1), called once by the user, repeatedly calls read(2) and so repeatedly prints different values of random_out. The rolld driver should instead provide, for each cat /dev/rolld, a single random_out value, and then provoke the end the cat(1) execution, as if the end of the file was reached after this value. This way, the file /dev/rolld will correspond to the contents of the variable random_out, which is a single value.

To obtain another value, run cat /dev/rolld again, run again arc4random() % d_size and so generate new contents for the variable random_out, and read it again. uio_offset must be used accordingly, to create such a behaviour. Then, the above output represents the following operations:

  1. cat(1) calls read(2) the first time: rolld_read runs with uio_offset 0 and some data is returned by uiomove. The amount of data that is returned is determined by the second argument of this uiomove call:

     uiomove(&random_out, 1, uio)

    It is, therefore, just 1 byte. It is in this case the value of random_out, as desired.

  2. Having received data from this first read(2), cat(1) calls read(2) a second time: rolld_read runs with uio_offset 1 and this time uiomove is not even executed, because of this check:

     if (uio->uio_offset > 0) {
             uprintf("I'm zero!\n");
             return 0;

    Nothing returns to cat(1) this time. This absence of data is interpreted by cat(1) as the EOF condition, because a read(2) has been run successfully, but without obtaining data. The file is assumed to be ended and cat(1) ends its execution. Only the value of random_out returned during the first read(2) and rolld_read call is shown: 3, which corresponds to ASCII character ^C according to the above table.

The value of uio_resid is determined by cat(1), but it is not relevant as regards the functioning of this driver.

According to the code, ASCII character ^C should actually be shown after the first uio_resid: 4096 and before Returned value is: 0, because uiomove(&random_out, 1, uio) is run before uprintf("Returned value is: %d\n", (uiomove(&random_out, 1, uio)));. However, for some reason, cat(1) dumps ^C only in the very end.

Do not confuse Returned value is: 0 with the data provided by uiomove: here, 0 is just the int returned by uiomove to signal that it ran succesfully providing the data byte 3, which translates to ^C. The second time, instead, uiomove does not run at all: only rolld_read runs and provides no data to the caller, but only a 0 return value.

The above check if (uio->uio_offset > 0) is essential as regards the driver operation. Without it, nothing inside the driver will create the EOF condition, allowing rolld_read to be repeatedly called from cat(1). Each time, rolld_read will run arc4random() % d_size, so it will generate a new random_out value, and it will run uiomove, which will tranfer data: just 1 byte (for an actual file with longer contents, this would also be very inefficient, because for the next byte a brand new rolld_read will be needed, with an unnecessary overhead). The first time rolld_read is called, uio_offset is 0 and uiomove trasfers the actual contents of random_out; the second time rolld_read is called, uio_offset is 1, but it is ignored, arc4random() % d_size is run again and uiomove is called again, transfering 1 more byte; this process repeats indefinitely, with uio_offset increasing by 1 each time and cat(1) never stopping calling read(2).

This is the reason why the parameter uio_offset must be carefully handled inside the character device driver, to obtain the desired behaviour from it, towards the user.

As regards these observations, the suggestions in this thread, and in particular in this post, have been of great help. It is also mentioned there that the usage of if (uio->uio_offset > 0) can be avoided if, instead of uiomove, uiomove_frombuf is used, because this latter function already performs the check by its own. As stated in uio(9):

The uiomove_frombuf() function is a convenience wrapper around uiomove() for drivers that serve data which is wholly contained within an existing buffer in memory. It validates the uio_offset and uio_resid values against the size of the existing buffer, handling short transfers when the request partially overlaps the buffer. When uio_offset is greater than or equal to the buffer size, the result is success with no bytes transferred, effectively signaling EOF.

This also confirms what is the condition corresponding to EOF. Here the “buffer” consists only of a variable contents, random_out, but probably the same applies. With

static int
rolld_read(struct cdev *dev __unused, struct uio *uio, int ioflag __unused)
        uprintf("uio_offset: %ld\n", uio->uio_offset);
        uprintf("uio_resid: %ld\n", uio->uio_resid);

        uint32_t random_out;
        uint32_t random_item;  

        random_item = arc4random();
        random_out = random_item % d_size;

        return (uiomove_frombuf(&random_out, sizeof(random_out), uio));

the following output is produced:

$ cat -v /dev/rolld 
Opened device "rolld" successfully.
uio_offset: 0
uio_resid: 4096
uio_offset: 4
uio_resid: 4096
Closing device "rolld".

The 3 undesired ^@ are due to the fact that random_out is declared as uint32_t, so they are padding data for the 3 unused bytes, being random_item % d_size just 1 byte wide, but sizeof(random_out) has value 4 (corresponding to uint32_t). The first read(2) causes uiomove_frombuf to read 4 bytes. Only 1 byte inside random_out is not empty; the other ones are NULL, that is ^@. The second read(2) call starts in fact not from uio_offset 1 as before, but 4.

Using just 1 as second argument for uiomove_frombuf will generate an output with exactly the same structure as before with uiomove:

return (uiomove_frombuf(&random_out, 1, uio));
$ cat -v /dev/rolld 
Opened device "rolld" successfully.
uio_offset: 0
uio_resid: 4096
uio_offset: 1
uio_resid: 4096
Closing device "rolld".

Third version

Using the most relevant results just obtained and the suggestions of the mentioned post, a probably better version of the roll device can be created as follows.

The use of a buffer as in the First version may be overkill, but it is also uncomfortable to use the raw value of random_out. A simple array of char, just inside rolld_read may represent the best compromise. Is this array recreated each time rolld_read is called? (This would be unefficient with respect to a single buffer allocated with malloc just once and in a fixed position, as in the First version).

The code is available here. It is minimal as in the second example. The rolld_read is:

static int
rolld_read(struct cdev *dev __unused, struct uio *uio, int ioflag __unused)
	char random_out[2];
	uint32_t random_item = arc4random();

	random_out[0] = 49 + (char)(random_item % d_size);
	random_out[1] = '\n';

	return (uiomove_frombuf(random_out, sizeof(random_out), uio));

The arc4random() value is translated to an ASCII digit between 1 and 6, so becoming a human-friendly output.

Note that

random_out[0] = 49 + (char)(random_item % d_size);

is equivalent to

random_out[0] = '0' + (char)(random_item % d_size);

being the char value 0 equal to the int value 49.

As regards the casting precedence over addiction, see this post.

uiomove_frombuf with the size of the char array is used. The error variable is not necessary: it is enough to just return the value of uiomove_frombuf, which is 0 upon success (see uio(9)).

The output is:

$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld 
$ cat rolld