Disclaimer: this is not an authoritative guide; it is just my understanding of this topic.

In the repository rpi_simple_driver_examples, sourcecode files 02/dev_nr.c and 03/read_write.c use two different strategies to create a Linux character device file.

All the paths are referred to the kernel sourcecode root directory. The kernel uses structures of type struct cdev to represent character devices internally. This struct is defined in include/linux/cdev.h as:

struct cdev {
	struct kobject kobj;
	struct module *owner;
	const struct file_operations *ops;
	struct list_head list;
	dev_t dev;
	unsigned int count;
} __randomize_layout;

In order to use a character device, the driver must first allocate and register one or more of these structures. Therefore, driver code should include <linux/cdev.h>, where not only the structure, but also its associated helper functions are declared. __randomize_layout is a macro, which is out of the scope of these considerations. Two relevant members are:

  • const struct file_operations *ops, which relates the ordinary operations (open, read, write, …) on the character device file represented by this structure to some internal operations in the kernel module;
  • dev_t dev, which stores the (major, minor) numbers couple representing the character device file corresponding to this structure.

The helper functions declared in include/linux/cdev.h are defined in fs/char_dev.c, with some useful code comments:

  • void cdev_init(struct cdev *cdev, const struct file_operations *fops). This functions receives two parameters: a pointer to a struct cdev and a pointer to a struct file_operations. The struct cdev is initialized and, in particular, its member ops is set to the value of fops, so that the struct cdev becomes related to those file operations. This struct cdev is then ready for cdev_add().
  • struct cdev *cdev_alloc(void). Allocate a cdev structure in memory, partially initialize it and return a pointer to it.
  • int cdev_add(struct cdev *p, dev_t dev, unsigned count). Add the device represented by p to the system, creating a character file in /dev. dev is the first (lowest) couple of (major, minor) numbers related to the device and count is the number of consecutive minor numbers corresponding to the device.
  • void cdev_del(struct cdev *p). Remove the device previously created by cdev_add, possibly freeing the structure p. This, however, only guarantees that the character device will no longer be able to be opened, but any character devices already open will remain and their file_operations will still be callable even after cdev_del returns.

cdev_alloc is useful when a simple struct cdev pointer is declared in the code. Then, when cdev_alloc is invoked, it immediately allocates space in memory for the struct cdev:

struct cdev *my_cdev_pointer;
my_cdev_pointer = cdev_alloc();

cdev_init assumes instead that a brand new struct cdev is already present in memory and must simply be initialized. It is used when the whole struct cdev is declared:

struct cdev my_cdev;
cdev_init(my_cdev, my_fops);
my_cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;

Note that the owner member of the structure must be set in a separate line, in this case. Of course, the code must previously also set up a struct file_operations, whose pointer is my_fops, before invoking cdev_init(). The difference between cdev_alloc() and cdev_init(), which seem to perform very similar tasks, is shown later.

The kernel APIs ending with _region (alloc_chrdev_region() and register_chrdev_region(), which is not used in rpi_simple_driver_examples) do not invoke cdev_alloc() at all: the driver (represented by the kernel module) has to invoke cdev_alloc() or cdev_init(). Instead, the kernel API not ending with _region, namely register_chrdev(), invoke cdev_alloc and therefore the driver does not need to do so (source: comments to this question).

In particular,

int register_chrdev(unsigned int major, const char *name, const struct file_operations *fops);

registers minor numbers 0-255 for the major specified in major, and sets up a default struct cdev for each. Drivers using this API must be prepared to handle open calls on all 256 minor numbers (whether they correspond to real devices or not), and they cannot use major or minor numbers greater than 255 (source). Moreover, the device file(s) must then be created with sudo mknod /dev/<name> c <major_number> <minor_number>. This whole procedure is the old way to create character devices and it is discouraged.

The new method to register a character device into the kernel follows instead two separate steps:

  • the allocation of a range of device numbers;
  • the association of devices with those numbers.

The first step is accomplished by either:

  • int register_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count, const char *name);
  • int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned baseminor, unsigned count, const char *name).

They are defined in fs/char_dev.c. In the code comments, for both of them it is stated:

register a range of char device numbers

register_chrdev_region(), starting from the (major, minor) couple specified by the dev_t from, allocates count minor numbers and relate them to name. alloc_chrdev_region() performs the same operation, but: given the first minor baseminor, it chooses autonomously the major number for the starting (major, baseminor) couple; then, it allocates count minor numbers. The chosen (major, baseminor) couple is returned through the pointer dev. In both cases, the returned value is 0 on success, or a negative value in case of failure.

The starting (major, minor) couple is totally (in the case of register_chrdev_region()) or partially (in the case of alloc_chrdev_region()) custom: for this reason, two or more different devices may share the same major number (just as an example: if a region starts at (15,102) and ends at (15,108), another driver may theoretically be assigned the region between (15,109) and (15,120): two different devices would have the same major number 15). The minor numbers can be greater than 255, unlike for register_chrdev(), but there is a maximum: if it is overcome, the range extends to the next major number. Device “boundaries” are represented only by the specified ranges: at least, theoretically (in practice, ranges which include more than one device number are not chosen by programmers).

Regardless of the choice between register_chrdev_region() and alloc_chrdev_region(), device numbers can be released (and made available to the system for new allocations) with void unregister_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count) (also defined in fs/char_dev.c).

In order for the device(s) (corresponding to the range just allocated) to actually appear in the filesystem, it is necessary to invoke device_create(), defined in drivers/base/core.c:

struct device *device_create(struct class *class, struct device *parent, dev_t devt, void *drvdata, const char *fmt, ...)

The syntax ... indicates that this is a variadic function, which accepts a variable number of arguments. It returns a pointer to struct device on success, or ERR_PTR() (that is a NULL pointer) on error. As stated in the comments before this function definition:

Note: the struct class passed to this function must have previously been created with a call to class_create().

Before device_create(), it is therefore necessary to create a device class. The function is actually a macro, in linux/device/class.h:

#define class_create(owner, name)		\
({						\
	static struct lock_class_key __key;	\
	__class_create(owner, name, &__key);	\

As stated in the comments to the code, owner is a pointer to the module that is to “own” this struct class, while name is a pointer to a string for the name of this class. The function can simply be invoked as:

#define DRIVER_CLASS "CustomDeviceClass"
static struct class *my_class;
my_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DRIVER_CLASS);

Note that DRIVER_CLASS and the pointer my_class should be accessible by at least the ModuleInit and the ModuleExit functions in the kernel module, so they must be declared outside them.

The association between a device and the range of its corresponding minor numbers (which has been allocated with register_chrdev_region() or alloc_chrdev_region()) is realized through the struct cdev. This struct represents the device. It can be allocated in two different ways: one using cdev_alloc(), one using cdev_init().

A first example is:

struct cdev *my_dev;	// this should be put outside any other function
static int __init ModuleInit(void) {
	my_dev = cdev_alloc();
	if (my_dev != NULL) {
		my_dev->ops = &my_fops;
		my_dev->owner = THIS_MODULE;

Note that the pointer my_dev is (and must be) accessible by any function in the kernel module sourcefile: ModuleInit, which allocates the cdev structure, but also ModuleExit, which deletes it. my_fops is an already initialized file_operations structure. cdev_alloc() dynamically allocates the space in memory (in the heap) needed by a struct cdev and returns the address of the beginning of this space into my_dev. This creates a standalone cdev struct: a struct which exists by its own.

The second way is the one chosen in 03/read_write.c:

static struct cdev my_cdev;	// this should be put outside any other function
static int __init ModuleInit(void) {
        cdev_init(&my_cdev, my_fops);
        my_cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;

When the kernel module represents a device, it may create a specific structure for it, which would include, between its members, also a struct cdev. When the larger struct is created, its memory area already includes the space required for the struct cdev: there is no need to allocate memory with cdev_alloc(). cdev_init() is then used, which relates the struct cdev to an already initialized struct file_operations; it does not modify the member owner of the cdev struct, which must be set in a separate line. If the struct cdev is just a member of a larger, device-specific struct, it is not standalone. However, this method can be used even without the larger struct. A struct cdev may be declared as a static variable (therefore accessible by all the functions in the kernel module sourcecode file). For this reason, it is stored in the [data][source3] section of the kernel module memory area (not the stack, not the heap).

This second way is the most common one to create and initialize a struct cdev.

It may seem, from the information provided so far, that cdev_init() is also usable in the first example, after cdev_alloc(). It is not. cdev_alloc() makes several operations which has not been shown here: it partially initializes the struct cdev, even if it does not set the ops and/or owner member. The invocation of cdev_init() on a struct cdev created with cdev_alloc() would (to some extent) break the initialization already provided by cdev_alloc(): for this reason, a kernel error message would be generated and the operation is not permitted. For example, cdev_alloc() somewhat prepares the kernel to free the memory space of the struct cdev when it is no more used: cdev_init() would delete this information and the memory would be never released.

If the lifetime of the character device must be the same as the kernel module, the preferable procedure is the second one, with a static struct cdev my_cdev (or a global one) and cdev_init().

The struct cdev has been created and initialized, but it is not bound to any (major, minor) number range. The final step establishes this relation, using the kernel function

int cdev_add(struct cdev *p, dev_t dev, unsigned count)

The range extending for count contiguous minor numbers and starting from the couple (major, minor) specified by dev, which has been previously allocated through either register_chrdev_region() or alloc_chrdev_region(), is now associated to the struct cdev pointed by p, which represents the device. This function can fail: in this case, it returns a negative value, which the kernel module should be able to handle (at least, printing an error message). If instead the function returns 0, the device is usable through the character file(s).

Summarizing: the required amount of (major, minor) numbers is reserved; the struct cdev is created and initialized; the struct cdev is finally connected to the (major, minor) numbers. Now, the device represented by the struct cdev can be accessed through one or more files in /dev: the ordinary operations on these files (read, write, …) are translated (through the struct file_operations) into specific operations by the kernel module, which acts on the actual device.

To remove the struct cdev use:

void cdev_del(struct cdev *p)

defined in fs/char_dev.c. To remove the filesystem devices:

void device_destroy(struct class *class, dev_t devt)

defined in drivers/base/core.c. Note that devt is the same parameter dev which had been passed to cdev_add().

To remove the class:

void class_destroy(struct class *cls)

defined in drivers/base/class.c.

Functions should be called in this order; after them, unregister_chrdev_region().

Another important source for this whole post can be found here.